Слово дня: Е́ЗДИТЬ (v) = to go by transport

This verb is one of the many verbs of motion we have in the Russian language. They always go in pairs: идти́ - ходи́ть (to go on foot), е́хать - е́здить (to go by transport), бежа́ть - бе́гать (to run) etc. The first verb in these pairs denote a unidirectional motion, and the second one is for a multidirectional motion. The verb е́здить is multidirectional, and of course it has a unidirectional twin - е́хать.
So, if you're moving in one direction and by transport, you use the verb ехать: Я сейча́с е́ду на рабо́ту. = I'm going to work now. But if you're thinking of moving in several different directions and using transport, then you should use е́здить: Я всегда́ е́зжу на рабо́ту на метро́. = I always go to work by subway (this situation implies going back and forth to work and back home, which makes more than one direction).

To say what means of transport you're using, you need to use the Prepositional case (6) with the preposition НА:
е́здить на по́езде - to go by train
е́здить на маши́не - to go by car
е́здить на велосипе́де - to ride a bicycle
е́здить на ло́шади - to ride a horse

To say where you're going, you need to put your destination in the Accusative (4):
е́здить на по́езде в Москву́
е́здить на рабо́ту на велосипе́де

And here is how you conjugate the verb е́здить in the present and past tense:
