ИГРА́ТЬ - 1st conjugation type, so the forms are игра́ю, игра́ешь, игра́ют etc.
So, how do we use it?
For sports, we use В + Accusative case (4)
игра́ть в футбо́л = to play football
игра́ть в хокке́й = to play hockey
игра́ть в ша́хматы = to play chess
For musical instruments, we use НА + Prepositional case (6)
игра́ть на скри́пке = toe play the violin
игра́ть на гита́ре = to play the guitar
игра́ть на фле́йте = to play the flute
Basically, when you name a game (be it sports or children's games) - use В+4. When you name anything that can be an instrument that can be played - use НА+6.
игра́ть в пря́тки = to play hide-and-seek
игра́ть в компью́терные и́гры = to play computer games
игра́ть на компью́тере = to play on the computer
игра́ть на не́рвах = to play on someone's nerves (to deliberately annoy someone)
So, how do we use it?
For sports, we use В + Accusative case (4)
игра́ть в футбо́л = to play football
игра́ть в хокке́й = to play hockey
игра́ть в ша́хматы = to play chess
For musical instruments, we use НА + Prepositional case (6)
игра́ть на скри́пке = toe play the violin
игра́ть на гита́ре = to play the guitar
игра́ть на фле́йте = to play the flute
Basically, when you name a game (be it sports or children's games) - use В+4. When you name anything that can be an instrument that can be played - use НА+6.
игра́ть в пря́тки = to play hide-and-seek
игра́ть в компью́терные и́гры = to play computer games
игра́ть на компью́тере = to play on the computer
игра́ть на не́рвах = to play on someone's nerves (to deliberately annoy someone)
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