It's been a while since we decided to share some grammar materials with you. And here is the first draft! Yay! =) It's a table with ADJECTIVES, only in the Nominative case - for beginners.
We plan to post JPG pictures here and also share links to downloadable PDF files, so you can print them out and have a closer look. These are going to be tables from the site and also the ones that we didn't upload there. Like this one below - it's not on the site yet, so you guys are the first to see it! So.. Enjoy, and don't forget to let us know what you think - either here or on Facebook.
Talk soon!
Click on the pic to see in the original size.
Or DOWNLOAD the PDF here:
We plan to post JPG pictures here and also share links to downloadable PDF files, so you can print them out and have a closer look. These are going to be tables from the site and also the ones that we didn't upload there. Like this one below - it's not on the site yet, so you guys are the first to see it! So.. Enjoy, and don't forget to let us know what you think - either here or on Facebook.
Talk soon!
Click on the pic to see in the original size.
Or DOWNLOAD the PDF here:
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