КО́ФЕ (n, m/neuter)
The noun КОФЕ has E at the end, and it looks like neuter, but most commonly it’s used as a noun of masculine gender. Although recently it has been officially allowed to use it as neuter noun too, it still doesn’t sound good to educated people. So, if you want to sound smart and refined, use masculine forms of adjectives and personal pronouns with it.
Like this:
чёрный кофе = black coffee
горя́чий кофе = hot coffee
The noun КОФЕ has E at the end, and it looks like neuter, but most commonly it’s used as a noun of masculine gender. Although recently it has been officially allowed to use it as neuter noun too, it still doesn’t sound good to educated people. So, if you want to sound smart and refined, use masculine forms of adjectives and personal pronouns with it.
Like this:
чёрный кофе = black coffee
горя́чий кофе = hot coffee
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